Only once in a lifetime does a daughter turn Sixteen

Sixteen is the sweetest age and it is worth celebrating it. Preparing for a Sweet Sixteen party and accommodating the guests will be challenging, as most of the guests will be energetic teens.
As for your guests list, make it Sweet by restricting invitees to be teens.
The color and party theme depends on the Birthday girl. Popular themes include Arabian night, Rock or Hollywood. Brilliant colors will make your party look exciting!
The invitations should set the mood for your party. Music and dance is the best entertainment for a Sweet Sixteen party.
Lighting can bring a lot of changes to your location irrespective of the place where you host a party.
Dinner could consist of buffet style food and/or appetizers.
Gift ideas for teenage girls could be fashion accessories, makeup kits, CDs, or DVDs.
Candy stations are very popular at Sweet Sixteens and all other parties. Its a HUGE hit!!! candies, sweets, savories and anything the teens like.
Lot of snacks and sodas are to be present in the party. Don’t count on calories when you plan for sweet sixteen party.
Party Planners always have fantastic ideas, so if you want a great party email us at
Yours truly,
Event Specialists